Sisters Moynahan

Where's todd?

trade show eve
kma's graphic design was the star of the show
my handiwork from january!
trust me, aunt kristin. we see your 50 cents and raise you a quarter.
i love reading with bompa
my first portrait

2 weeks, yahoo!

Feb 22, 03:51 pm by Kristin Adams Litke

Congrats on the big step in the right direction, Brooke! Such exciting news. Yesterday I talked to my boss about an exit plan, so hold me a spot in the craft booth. I’m going to try for April as my last hurrah.

It’s cold and raining and no one is making me pina coladas here, it’s very sad. It was so much fun to have quality hang time with Toddo—I felt like it had been ages. You guys need to check out Delray when you have a chance for a getaway, it’s un-freakin-believable.

Travis and Giao are here now and Kristen flys in tomorrow—we’re headed to play in the gobs and gobs of powder at Baker, hooray.

  Textile Help

i'm still alive! joining the ranks of the self-employed